Welcome to Midnight Snacks, a radio show on the internet, hosted by W.T. Snacks.
It airs every Tuesday night at midnight EST.

The next show is currently scheduled for February 12th at 12:00 AM EST (3 days, 9 hours from now) on stream.midnightsnacks.fm and Twitch
01.Blanck MassLand Disasters
02.David SylvianFor The Love of Life
03.NovellerAlone Star
04.GrouperA Lie
05.GeoticDisrobe and Come To Bed
06.EmeraldsThe Cycle of Abuse
07.Com TruiseHyperlips
08.DatassetteFash Part Two
09.SiriusmoThe Plasterer of Love
10.Au Revoir SimoneThe Lucky One (Kyte Remix)
11.Kirsty Hawkshaw & Ulrich SchnaussAfter The Rain
12.School of Seven BellsDust Devil
13.Sweet TripAir Supply
14.HardriveDeep Inside (Pearson Sound Remix)
15.Dark SkyArmour
16.DistalApple Bottom
17.LOL BoysJealousy
18.Jacques GreeneTell Me
19.Holy OtherTouch
20.JokerGully Brook Lane
21.RedinhoEdge Off
22.SlugabedMy Sense Of Smell Comes And Goes
23.Son of KickPlaying The Villian (Chris De Luca Remix)
24.Hudson MohawkeThunder Bay
26.MafiaThe Black Hand Vol 1: Side A
This show has been tagged with the following:
ambient, dreampop, dubstep, electro, hip-hop, house, idm, jungle, shoegaze